A New Blog

so i needed a change guys. a lot has been happening with life lately, and when i feel a little more ready to go into it i will. in the meantime, i'll be figuring life out over at a new url... 

hope to see you there!

post no. 412 -- two weeks ago today.

it has taken me some time to figure out if i wanted to keep blogging or just throw in the towel all together. i decided after a good long absence i was ready to get back in the saddle. looking back at the last year plus of blogging and documenting our life has taught me a lot about myself and how buzz and i have grown as a couple and as individuals, and two weeks ago we set out on a new adventure worth documenting. 

two weeks ago today buzz left pearl harbor for his second deployment. it was pretty bittersweet, i'm not going to lie, but with the support of the other lovely wives of buzz's shipmates i think we can do this. again. 

so here's to two weeks down, many more to go, and lots of alcohol over the next several months. 

post no. 411 -- homebodies

this has been the story of our lives this weekend. after two days of dismally grey weather, a 27 hour work schedule for buzz, and a lot of putzing around the house cleaning and gasp doing dishes for me, this weekend seems to have let of us more tired than when we started.

we're settled in on the couch now, with warm tea, a cuddly blanket and some stephen hawking universe exploration. we're really just nerds with attitude. yo.

post no. 410 -- it's the little things v. 12

this week, despite only being four days, was pretty challenging. we had several big events at work, and when it felt like nothing was going right, it just so happened that nothing was in fact going right. despite the craziness of that world, it was so refreshing to sit down and sort through the photos i have been snapping all week to compile this post. it's these little things link ups that can take a week like this and completely turn it around.


on wednesday buzz and i made our way down to the times market in mccully and picked up a slew of food. we're pretty awful at grocery shopping, which is strange seeing as every time i go, i impulse buy my way through the entire place, but every now and then, when our bookshelf pantry is completely bare, and we spend two nights in a row eating noodles with no sauce, we go. this week buzz insisted on bringing home a giant bag of clementines, and let me just tell you guys, there's nothing like coming home from a long day to peel apart one errr.. ten little juicy babies. 

as i mentioned in my last post buzz is about to deploy. we've been in denial for several weeks now, but the truth is, it's coming. but we've decided to get off our poutty stools and make the most of it. so we enacted dinner nights. for the last couple of nights we've been taking turns cooking for each other. one of buzz's nights he made the most delicious cumin roasted nut chicken i have ever tasted. have i mentioned that boy is creative in the kitchen? it is such a breath of fresh air being able to lean on each other, even when it's just a meal.

chopping. have you every noticed how amazingly pro you feel when dicing and slicing up vegetables, and well.. anything really. i feel like rachel ray on crack sometimes slicing onions and things, without a tear in my eye, and sliding my freshly chopped ingredients off into a simmering pot. sometimes i even narrate to buzz while i'm cooking. i still live on the delusional planet that i am an amazing cook worthy of her own tv empire. yup. that's me.

one of the most amazing "perks" about my job is my ability to get out on the water every week. i talked about this on another little things post but i think it's worth mentioning again. there's a sense of freedom that comes when you're out on the water. like your problems were left on the dock, and all that matters is the sun on your face and the wind through you hair. i feel so blessed to have grown up next to the beach, and to be living a block from one now.

sometimes all you really need after a week through the trenches is a couple of humbling photos to remind you how lucky you really are. 

how have you been blessed this week? 

Hello Hue Little Things

post no. 409 -- well

buzz and i just finished the most amazing pork burrito wraps. and i was too busy not breathing between bits to stop myself and snap some photos. these last few days we've been taking turns making dinner for each other, and tonight was my turn to whip something up. we've been making it a point to sit down and eat together, and being in the final weeks now of the deployment countdown i think it's more important than ever to create some memories to get us through the coming months. 

so now were curled up on the couch watching legally blonde, eating vanilla ice cream, and making the most of the time we have together.

here's to making memories!

post no. 408 -- black like my soul, walls.

buzz and i have never really been huge fans of white walls. not to say that we hate them. we're just not exactly shelling out the big bucks in advertising promotions. so when we moved into our last place, the first thing on the agenda was to cover each nook and cranny with a splash of color. joy.

everything was dandy until it came time to move. by myself. paint everything back. by myself. and overall just hate life. you get the picture... 

so yaddah yaddah, we're in our apartment now, and loving it. but it's soo.... white. and bright. becuase of all the... light! so today while working at my other job pinterest, i casually brought up the idea to paint one of the two walls in the house black. and surprisingly (actually not that surprisingly) buzz thought it was a fabulous notion. so once i finally conclude on the direction of our home decor, the walls are going black! 

but in the meantime, i scheme... and share my findings with all of you!! so enjoy :) 


post no. 407 -- dinner and a show

tonight buzz is out with the boys tearing up the town because it's his last night his friends will be in town as they finish up the tail end of their deployment. no biggie though. cause i'm just posted up in the house with some ramen and new episodes of khloe & lamar. i love this show. and i will say this before i leave you little chickadees... adding curry to just about everything makes it pretty spectacular!

how was everyone's weekend?
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