post no. 286 -- the cool thing about waikiki

one of the coolest things about living in waikiki is how close we are to everything. after running errands around pearl harbor earlier this afternoon kris and i came home to take jack for a nice afternoon walk. our walks also seem to serve as a great time to talk about our day, plans for the future, and what to eat for dinner that night. 5 minutes into the walk we were putzing along the beach while i took pictures of just about anything that caught my fancy.

jack always seems to make our walks interesting as she's always making new friends, and sniffing just about everything that moves. including, but not limited to: small children, birds, and people carrying bags that could possibly contain edibles.

buzz and i are back home now watching the final countdown, which get this, is set in hawaii! we've already spotted several places both on base and off that are time warped in the film. it's so fun living in a place that has been documented in so many different ways!

p.s. this dress is one of my recent finds at ross {my new favorite shopping spot} along with the belt! altogether, this outfit cost $20! awesome much?


  1. I love this post :) Hawaii looks gorgeous, I would love to go there sometime. And your beastie is quite handsome!

  2. definitely recommend it, it's nice when you get away from the hustle and bustle of touristy areas. and why thank you :)


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