post no. 315 -- coincidence, i think not!

in case you don't follow me on twitter, i will fill you in. this morning, after a weekend of craigslist searching, pinterest inspiration hunting, and despair at the thought that i may not ever find the dresser of my dreams, i found the dresser of my dreams. coincidence, i think not! on the side of the dead end street, through the "jungle path" next to my building. sitting there, glowing, saying take me home with you, was the dresser i've been searching for

i was with jack at the time, so i ran back up to our floor to dump her off {harness and leash still attached mind you}, just to dash back down and haul everything back up. three bruised toes, and one missed bus later, we have a new dresser for our bedroom! of course in the giddy excitement of the moment, and realizing how late i was for the bus, i didn't take pictures, but let me just say potential. i'm so excited, if you can't already tell... and i just can't wait to get started on my new diy project this weekend. in the meantime, take a look at my inspiration:

ok... no joke, the top picture is pretty much a exact copy of our new dresser. take a look at their diy here

other sources: 


  1. wow! i'm excited for you! i love that panicked/excited/gotta get it before it's gone feeling of finding something on the side of the road. it's my crack.

  2. OH, I can't wait to see it!

    Random question, does it ever freak you out living so high up? I had a dream last night I was living in a huge tower in Dubai (huh?) and I totally woke up and panicked.

  3. @Heather -- LOL I love this question... actually YES!!! All of our windows open up onto themselves, and on one side (the side I never ever ever open the windows on) it doesn't have a guard rail... so I always freak out in my head about falling off... and elaborately swinging over the edge and trying to hold on and all that jazz... yeah... but on the side that has a guard rail we open that whole side up and Jack just stands there with her lips flapping away in the breeze... sorry for the novel of a response! I think everyone has a slight fear of heights though so I consider my fear normal-ish ;)

  4. Hahaha, sounds scary! The views have to be great though!

  5. Aah that's awesome! We are total side-of-the-road junkie freaks so I'm always excited by those finds :) And we just started looking for a dresser, so... thanks for all the colorful inspiration!

  6. How cool! I clicked on your twitter tag and it said pafe not found :( I'm @TheYoungRetiree! I'd love to follow you, because I would have loved to have seen this all go down!

  7. Ohhhh I know why... because I changed my Twitter Name to @the29thfloor SORRY!!! Thanks for the heads up though :)


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