post no. 116 -- Absentee Ashley

Kris has been gone for a good little chunk now, and I've been up to pretty much nothing. Work helps get my mind off things, and by the time I get home he can usually e-mail back and forth a bit so it's not all that bad. I think Jack enjoys the one and one attention, and free rein of Kris' side of the bed, which tends to carry over onto my side as well.

One thing I have been working at fairly consistently is wrapping up presents for my dear friend Melissa back home, and also Kristopher, for our 1st anniversary tomorrow! He won't be back in time for our anniversary but I'm told I have quite a treat planned when he gets back. I'm excited to find out what!

Other than that and working, life has been pretty quiet around here. I apologize for the cobwebs accumulating on the blog, I go through periods of of anti-blogging, and just stalking others instead, and well, that's the last few days in summary.

Hope you all have been having a great week so far. I will try to get up and running again with some interesting content, in the meantime, I'll be running around after my destructo dog cleaning up my house.

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