post no. 292 -- awesome

things that are making today awesome:

two weddings i've planned to the tee that will go flawlessly

finding out our friend is having a baby boy

realizing i get the day off monday

finally being able to pull my hair into a pony tail

taking the bus and having life conversations with high schoolers
{i might just be the only person in hawaii that thoroughly enjoys the bus}

friends pulling into port

getting invited to a tailgate party tomorrow

knowing i have the best husband waiting for me at home right now!

what's making your day awesome?


  1. Whats making me happy? I only have an hour and a half left of work, yay! My bosses are driving me bonkers :)

    And then I might head home and take a nap and watch Mad Men. (that's my wishful thinking)

    Happy Friday :)

  2. ohhh lucky you! i have like 3-4 :/ i wish netflix worked on my tv {sound is all weird!} yay for the weekend!! :)

  3. love your blog! so cute! also, i love to see other hawai'i residents with blogs :)


  4. oh i love tihs list! did you end up going to the tailgate party? was it at the game or at someone's house?


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