post no. 37 -- Perfect Day Pt. 2

If you've been following my blog, or by any chance know me, you know that I'm looking into starting a degree in Communication Arts with an emphasis in Design this fall. The one thing that appealed to me about a degree in a graphic design type program was the versatility. Since actually deciding to go forward with the design degree, I have actually had a lot of Career ADHD. I say ADHD instead of ADD because I don't just flip from one career path to the next, I get extremely excited about one idea and then bored, and then enthused again about something completely different. Every time I start to switch around, I feel guilty, and somewhat relieved I'm a girl, therefore not expected to be the stable breadwinner. Don't get me wrong, I do not at all believe that men should be the one's to carry the household, but I want to be fulfilled with the ultimate path I choose, as whatever I ultimately decide, I want to pursue for the rest of my life.

Before moving to Hawaii, I feel like everything was set. I worked for a reputable Structural Engineer with an Architect father deeply rooted in the construction industry. There wasn't a doubt in my mind, or for that matter, any one else's about what I was to be "when I grew up". Well guess what, this April I'll be 20 years old. I'm grown up. Some of you veterans out there might laugh at me, but I feel this urgency to figure things out already. Am I totally off? Since moving I feel as though things have completely flipped. I feel like this post is one of those Tell Alls where I divulge every feeling inside, and then somehow figure things out in the last sentence. I have no clue about the last sentence.

The other night Kris and I were talking about "Life Back Home", moreover the life we want to have when we finally get back to California. We talked about his perfectly painted Chevelle, our cottagey bungalow in a coastal southern city, and the hotel. We discussed babies, and Irish-Norwegian hockey practices when the babies grew up. I saw me wrapping up morning business in my small studio before toting babies from one Grandma's house to the other, and eating lunch with Kris at Watermarc. I saw my perfect little life.

The point of that little story was that in my perfect day scenario, I had a career that I could be creative in, that I could work independent hours from my home, and that made me happy. Something along these lines:

Hopefully I will be able to get this list a little bit more narrowed down before I have to officially grow up and figure things out. Any suggestions??

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