post no. 74 -- Day to Day

(The buzz is really starting to fill out!! Grow grow grow!)

Today has been a pretty lazy day with Miss Jack and I. Kris has duty every three days where he has to spend the night on the ship, so those days Jack and I are bums. She's a total daddy's puppy, so she always gets sad when she knows he's not here. We do alright though. I feed her my scraps, and she sleeps on my feet. It's a mutual respect. Sometimes I get bummed I'm not her favorite, but I know deep down somewhere she still loves me, and I'm OK with that. 

I've been painting most of the morning, and cleaning the rest of the time. I'm almost done with Mel's present, so I'll be posting pictures as soon as that gets completed. I love seeing things go from an idea in my head to a tangible little thing such as a painting. The more I get done, the more I surprise myself with the outcome. 

In another hour I'll probably start dinner for Kris. That's the one nice thing about Kris' duty days is that the sailor's families are able to go on board the ship, bring dinners, and just hang out for a little while. I'm forcing him to find that camera today as well! I've gone too long without nice quality photographs... hopefully that ends tonight!!

Hope you all are having a great Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, your hair will grow super fast! Probably faster than mine.


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